Ruined for Anything Else

I’m sitting on the beach digging my toes into the sand and sifting the granules between my fingers. I can smell the fresh sea air and taste the salt on my tongue. I hear the slow lapping of the waves on the shore. It is a peaceful and tender moment as I lay back and use the soft sand as a pillow. All of the sudden I feel a raindrop hit my nose, then my forehead, then my arm. I sit up and see the magnificence of a storm brewing ahead. Rumbles of thunder meet the shore and electricity sparks the air. I turn to my companion as He stands up and beckons me to do the same. He takes my hand and leads me along the bank as the water begins to meet our feet and retreat back into the sea. Soon we are back to our cabin where He has set out hot tea and we watch the storm brew together. 

As the sun begins to set, the clouds put on a show for us. The dark storm clouds move quickly by the bright, dazzling ones behind them. Like a race of light and dark we see rays of light pierce through. Clouds so soft you feel like you could take a bite of them bubble up and reflect the light of the setting sun. 

“I value your trust so much,” He says to me. I look over and see the gentlest eyes I’ve ever seen, the most welcoming smile, and a presence that melts like a fragrant candle. 

“It has been a hard journey,” I reply. Knowing very well that I wouldn’t trade it for anything. The depth and richness of the soil of my soul has been tendered and cared for all these years. Our trust isn’t cheap- in fact it costs us everything but being loved by the Man in this room is enough. It just scratches the surface. 

“I know,” He says as He looks down at His hands. It seems both of our bodies have been riddled with scars. My eyes are brought back to the storm and I can still see the light pushing through behind the dark clouds. It seems to be winning. I can’t help but notice the beauty of the intertwining colors and shades. Soon the storm passes and leaves behind extra clouds for the sun to show off with. Bursts of pinks, oranges, and blue hues splash across the sky. The sea rejoices in reflection of the colors and it seems that everything was working together for this moment. 

I feel an utter contentment in being myself in this room. Knowing that there is growth yet to come and delighting in the fact that He doesn’t just leave us in our comfortability. That the soil will soon sprout new fruit with a flavor so sweet others will want a taste. A seed of hope that I can help others come to a place of rest begins to sprout. Like a dream unfolding before my eyes He walks me through a new chapter. One that speaks to my soul and beckons a calling. Come to taste and see the goodness of the Lord. 

Much love, 


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